If you’re writing, performing and recording music regularly, chances are at this point that you have your preferred platforms for consuming other artists’ music, too. iTunes or Apple Music? Spotify or Deezer? Amazon or TIDAL? Soundcloud or Bandcamp? YouTube or Pandora? You get it – there’s a ton of options for listening these days. As you begin to prepare your next release, whether it’s a single, EP or full album, you might be asking yourself: how do I get my music on these platforms? And if you’ve gotten that far, you’re also probably wondering: how can I make money from my music online? Well, you’re not alone. Free platforms like YouTube, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud simply require a sign-up, some time to build your personal account, and uploading your audio files. Obviously the advantages to this is price and access to fans. Bandcamp even lets you set a price and sell releases right from your page. But what about those digital music stores and streaming platforms that fa...
There are a variety of defenses to copyright infringement. One defense is that the subsequent use is a “fair use” and does not infringe any of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights. Such exempted “fair uses” may include ones for educational purposes, for comment or criticism on a particular work, for news reporting on a work, and for parody of an existing work. This Survival Guide is not intended as legal advice, as an attorney specializing in the field should be consulted.
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